TikTok Star Nessa Barrett Doesn't like Her Real Name — Here's Why!

TikTok sensation Nessa Barrett loves her name. But Nessa was not the name her parents chose for her. In an interview, the songstress revealed what her real name was and why she did not like it!
What Is Nessa Barrett's Real Name?
According to Famous Births Deaths, Nessa Barrett's real name is Janesa. When Barrett was out once in September 2020, a reporter asked her to confirm her real name. She acknowledged that her name was once Janesa, but she preferred being called Nessa.
The 'Poison' singer explained that she did not like her real name. Her line of reasoning being, Janesa sounded too much like Vanesa but started with a J. So she'd rather people not call her that.
The TikTok Star Opened Up About Her Life
Despite a massive TikTok following of 10.3 million, there is a lot that fans want to know about Barrett.
In March 2020, Famous Birthdays posted a YouTube video where Barrett answered a bunch of personal questions. From embarrassing moments to future plans, she opened up about a lot of things. Here is a list of the most interesting answers!
Is Nessa Barrett's Height 4'11?
Nessa Barrett's height is 4'11. In her videos, she seems taller, but when her fans meet her in real life, they are a little surprised that she is so small.
Inspiration To Join TikTok
Barrett's younger sister was obsessed with TikTok and inspired Barrett to join in with her own content.
Reason For Her Popularity
The 18-year-old celebrity outed that from her perspective, the reason for her popularity was the fact that she followed the trends.
TikTok Collaborations
A celebrity Barrett would like to collaborate with on TikTok was Tana (Mongeau).
Most challenging TikTok Video
The most difficult video for her to film was the Renegade dance because she did not consider herself good at dancing.
Favorite Person To Film With
Her favorite person to film with was Josh Richards. But she added that he got annoyed when she wanted to film 20 videos when he just wanted to film one.
Best Birthday
Her best birthday, thus far, had been her 17th birthday. She went on The Boys Of Summer Tour and got an opportunity to meet a lot of fans.
Most Embarrassing Moment
One of her most embarrassing moments was when she almost fell down the school stairs. There were a lot of people around, and it was pretty awkward for her.
Advice For Younger Self
If Barrett could give one piece of advice to her younger self, it would be to continue being herself and not change for other people.
Dream Job
When she was younger, Barrett's dream job was to become a doctor or nurse.
Pet Peeves
Barrett's biggest pet peeve was when people chew with their mouths open.
Nessa Barrett's biggest phobia is heights. Although many other things scared her, heights, spiders, and clowns made it to the top of the list.
Future Plans
In the next five years, Barrett envisioned herself continuing with her social media because she loved it.