Halloween is over, but if you are still in the mood for spooky fun, then you can tune into Christine McConnell’s Netflix baking show, The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell. 

McConnell, a photographer, stylist, Instagram influencer, cookbook author, is best known for creating magical edible treats on her Netflix series. The series debuted on October 12, 2018. 

Here are a few facts about the celebrity baker. 

Christine McConnell’s Netflix Show 

Her Instagram is filled with photos of ghastly, edible baked goods that look like creepy creatures and haunted Victorian mansions. Some of these include insect bacchanal, pastry face-hugger from Alien, shrine-like birthday cake for Freddie Mercury.

Netflix incorporated the baking segments with morbid humor, and the show is considered the perfect show for celebrating Halloween on all of Netflix. McConnell, who really wanted a Netflix show, did not think she would get the green light, but she did. 

I didn’t think it was a possibility, but that was our first pitch, and they called right after.

Unfortunately, the quirky baking show was canceled after one season on Netflix. 

Christine McConnell’s YouTube Show

After her stint on Netflix, she launched her own monthly YouTube series called ‘From the Mind of Christine McConnell,’ available to Patreon supporters who fuel her grim ambitions. 

Her new show focused on creation again, but this time she documented the creative process instead of instructing viewers on how to do something. As a result, she showed her “how-to” elements in her series more than in the Netflix series. 

She has walked viewers through an outrageously intricate goth-tinged project, transformed a $100 pull-out sofa into an expensive Victorian masterpiece, and dished out tips and tricks with DIY projects that could save the viewers a considerable sum of money. 

Christine McConnell’s Husband

McConnell, who did everything by herself, still might not have found it possible to do everything independently. She wrote, starred, and edited the program, ensuring that her Patreon supporters were taken care of. 

The show required music and a cameraman, and that’s where her husband, Gantt McConnell, came in. Her spouse helped her with filming and editing and composed all the music from scratch. McConnell, who built up quite an online presence over the years, kept her marriage private.

But for her new show, since her husband contributed to the show, she decided it wasn’t fair to keep his identity a secret. 

Christine McConnell’s Stance on Kids 

As for having kids, McConnell is not interested no matter the gender, which she explained in Jeff Dye’s Friendship Podcast. 

Her reason is that she was afraid of her kids not sharing her interest in all the spooky and grim kinds of stuff. 

She also felt it was risky to have kids because, as a parent, she would never know how her kid would turn out in the future, and she fears her kid turning out badly.