Nailea Devora has put an end to the drama between her and Dixie D'Amelio, or so it seems.

Devora and D'Amelio had been (sort of) feuding about Noah Beck, D'Amelio's current boyfriend since November 2021. The drama began when Beck announced he would be working with Devora and a couple of his other friends.

This eventually turned into rumors about how Devora was trying to steal D'Amelio's boyfriend, and thus the feud caught fire. However, she has now responded to D'Amelio and the rumors about her stealing Beck.

Nailea Devora Denies Stealing Dixie D’Amelio’s Boyfriend

In March 2022, a video of Devora ranting about how D'Amelio thought she was going to steal Beck from her just because she "breathed near him" went viral. After this became a big issue, their respective fan bases were upset at the other.

During her appearance on the BFFs Podcast, however, D'Amelio denied ever caring about that rumor. "I didn't even say anything," D'Amelio said during the podcast.

And now, Devora, too, has denied ever trying to steal Beck from D'Amelio. She clarified her position on the issue through a few comments on TikTok.

"i've been in a relationship for a year lol," Devora commented on a TikTok on May 25, 2022. Her second comment just read as though she wanted the drama to go away — "anyway," she wrote.

Nailea Devora's comments denying she ever tried to steal Dixie D'Amelio's boyfriend Noah Beck.

Nailea Devora's comments denying she ever tried to steal Dixie D'Amelio's boyfriend, Noah Beck. (Photo: TikTok Insiders/Instagram)

With these comments, Devora has effectively denied she ever tried to get with Beck

 Her relationship, if looked at the timeline of events, started way before she was ever accused of trying to steal D'Amelio's boyfriend.

Dixie D’Amelio on Nailea Devora Rumors and Relationship with Noah Beck

Right after viewing Devora's viral video, D'Amelio denied ever being interested in that feud. "I totally dropped everything," she said and revealed she stayed silent as the rumor mills churned.

But she claimed Devora's fans still came after her, even though she knew she was in the right.

She also said that Devora was a "sweet girl" and lamented how their friendship ended abruptly because of the rumors. She felt like they had the same "vibe and energy."

"It was really upsetting to lose her as a friend," she expressed.

In the same podcast, she also provided a few insights on how her relationship with Beck was going, who she officially started dating in September 2020. This came after break up rumors started swirling in early May 2022 through Deux Moi.

When asked if she had broken up with Beck, she said they had taken their relationship "off the internet." They decided to not post about each other too often and also limit comments and interactions on each other's posts.

This was because she thought the more social media activity they did, the more people speculated about them. "[It's] so draining," she added.

Further, they had also limited their public appearances, only going on trips where there were no paparazzi.