It looks like Nate Wyatt is back together with his rumored girlfriend, Alison Sarzoza, despite the recent scandal involving her and his best friends, the Mian Twins. 

Although it is not confirmed, Nate has been rumored to be dating Alison as they often made cozy-looking TikTok videos together.

On December 8, Nate posted a TikTok video with Alison. When the lyrics “that man is me” played, Alison kissed him on the cheeks.

Fans were convinced that Nate was still together with Alison, and in the comments section, they criticized the TikToker for not siding with Azra Mian and Aisha Mian. 

Users asked Nate why he was siding with someone who had body-shamed his best friends. 

Before this TikTok, many people thought the two had split up after Sarzoza came under fire for her comments on the twins in an IG live.

After the backlash, Sarzoza went off-grid, and Wyatt laid low. People assumed he had sided with the twins, but fans seem to speculate they never broke up. 

Alison Sarzoza’s Comments on the Mian Twins

For those not aware, Nate is best friends with fellow TikTokers, Mian twins who go by “miantwins.”

Nate is incredibly close to Aisha, who was rumored to be in a relationship with him in the past. But when a clip of Nate’s girlfriend bad-mouthing the twins went viral, their friendship was tested. 

It all started when fellow TikToker Cole Etgen went on Tiktok live.

He was talking to a male and female friend next to him and simultaneously on a face time call with Alison during the live. It is not clear how the conversation started. 

But while talking about Alison being replaced, Cole noted that there was no better replacement for Alison and then commented about the Mian Twins.

He said that Alison was a slimmer and better version of Aisha. Sarzoza then laughed and said, “did he say better.”

Cole then replied that he did and said Aisha was “kinda tubby.”

Alison laughed again while Cole’s male friend added she was short. Cole said that he did not care about insulting people. After that, Cole’s male friend criticized Azra, the other twin. 

He iterated that “the other twin” was not fat but thick, while Cole’s female friend chimed in and said, “they [were] more square” and did not have curves. 

Alison Sarzoza Apologizes

This clip went viral and soon turned into a drama. 

Tiktokinsiders shared it on Instagram, which received comments from many popular influencers, including Azra Mian.

Amanda Diaz commented that the world finally knew how awful Alison was, while Kelianne commented, “this is disgusting.”

Meanwhile, Azra wrote it was sad that people were still body shaming in 2021 and hoped they found happiness and confidence.

Following the IG live, Alison took to her IG stories and gave a lengthy apology. 

The video has since been deleted, but it has been shared on “miantwin.updates” IG page. 

So far, the twins have said nothing regarding Nate and Alison’s recent video.