“It Could Have Been Me:” Demi Lovato Admits DMX’s Overdose Scared Her

Demi Lovato, who recently made headlines for her docuseries and album Dancing With The Devil, revealed she has survivor's guilt over DMX's current situation in an interview with TMZ.
Lovato survived through her own drug overdose back in 2018. Seeing the rapper on life support battling for his life, she couldn't help but draw a parallel in her own life. She was just as likely to be on that hospital bed.
Lovato Has Survivor's Guilt
In the TMZ exclusive, Lovato detailed her struggles and revealed that everytime she hears about other people's overdose, she asks herself questions like "Why am I still here? Why are others not?"
Lovato is left with the realization that it could easily be her when she reads that somebody out there died because they pushed their limits.
She has found some solid ground, though. Every day that she walks this earth is a day where others fall victim to drugs, and she is fortunate to be alive. She recognized that fact and added that she now spends her days counting her blessings.
It makes me want to live the best life that I can possibly live, knowing that others didn't get the same chance that I did.
Despite the sentiment, Lovato still consumes alcohol and marijuana, albeit in moderation. She believes that the conventional road to recovery is now outdated and is not for everyone. She would rather consume in moderation instead of struggling with and risking her sobriety.
She Started Using When Still In School
Lovato started using drugs and alcohol to get along with her peers when she was still in school. By 2009 she was into cocaine. During her time with the Disney Channel, a few friends introduced her to cocaine. She has gone on record to admit that she was scared at first but did it anyway.
I was scared, because my mom always told me your heart could just burst if you do it, but I did it anyways. And I loved it.
By 2010, she realized that she had a problem and went on to get professional help. She was cleared to leave rehab in January 2011, but she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder during the treatment.
Lovato relapsed immediately and went back to using. It wasn't until in 2013 that she finally found sobriety which lasted till 2018.
'It's Not Looking Good' For DMX
American rapper DMX suffered a drug overdose-triggered heart attack last Friday. TMZ's sources reported the incident occured at his private residence at around 11 PM. He was immediately rushed to a hospital in White Plains, New York, and has been in the critical care unit since.
The outlet further reported that he has "some brain activity," while another claimed that he was in a "vegetative state." Whatever the case, the situation seems to be really serious as reports of his kids flying in have surfaced.
Following the overdose, the rapper's brain was deprived of oxygen, and the paramedics tried resuscitating him for 30 minutes. However, being deprived of oxygen for so long has had a severe impact on his brain. TMZ reported a member of his family revealed things are not looking good.