'Dark' Season 3 Trailer Reveals New Characters: Here Are The 5 Key Takeaways

The third and final season of the German series is releasing all remaining episodes on Netflix on June 27, 2020. The series includes a huge star cast of actors such as Louis Hoffman, Lisa Vicari, Oliver Masucci, Andreas Pietschmann, Maja Schone, and Karoline Eichhorn.
Dark series Instagram page connects the important characters based on their relationship (Photo: Dark/Instagram)
Two weeks ago, the creators of the anticipated German sci-fi mystery series Dark released the announcement teaser of the third and final season. The teaser comprised of many confusing events taking place; hence, fans were expecting a final trailer to get a clear idea of the future storyline before the release of the last cycle.
Living up to the expectations of fans, the creators of the series indeed came up with a 2 minutes 27 seconds long final trailer on June 12, 2020. The intro to the upcoming season is still puzzling, but it has answered a few curiosities of the fans.
Here we bring you the five key takeaways from the Dark season 3 trailer!
Alternate World’s Martha Had Come To Rescue Jonas
The trailer revisits the cliffhanger of the second season. Jonas (Louis Hofmann) is seen asking the self-proclaimed alt version of Martha (Lisa Vicari) about the time she "came from.”
The meeting had occurred after the original Martha got shot dead by Adam in front of Jonas.
The fans of the show waited for over a year for the trailer to be revealed. They were curious to find out about the entry of the alternate Martha to the existing world.
Now, it looks as if the question has been answered through the latest trailer. In the trailer, it was revealed that the arrival of the alternate world’s Martha to the existing world had to do with her plan to rescue Jonas before the apocalypse so that the world could be saved from the likely destruction.
The Existing World & Alternate Worlds Are Connected And Alt Martha May Be Protoganist of Her World
Dark season 3 trailer unveils that the alternate world’s Martha had also gone through the same twisted series of events in her world like Jones did in the existing world. She could also be seen wearing a yellow jacket in her version of events. The jacket looked similar to what Jonas wore in the original world.
Thus, it won’t be wrong to speculate that the alt Martha’s maybe equivalent to the Jonas of the alternate world since the trailer also revealed that the apocalypse was going to take place in the alternate world as well.
A still image of Jonas (from the existing world) and Martha (from the alternate world) from Dark season 3 trailer (Photo: Dark Trailer/Youtube)
These events in the trailer hints that the two parallel worlds are connected and both worlds are on a path of destruction. Hence, Martha comes forward to help Jonas in finding out the origin of all twisted events from his world and her world.
“I’ll help you find the origin. That one thing. The beginning for everything. In your world. And in mine,” Martha tells Jonas.
Neither Noah Nor Adam - The Baddie Is Someone Else
In the first season of Dark, Noah was portrayed as the antagonist who abducted children with the help of Helge Doppler to do some experiments related to time travel. But, the course changed in the second season as we came to know that Noah was working for Adam, the leader of Sic Mundus Creatus Est., who would do anything to end the world.
He even killed the beloved character, Martha, at the end of season two so that there would be no interruption for the apocalypse to occur.
However, in the Dark season 3 trailer, the creators of the show introduced a lady, parallel to Adam, who is willing to do anything for the world to end. One of the scenes from the trailer showed her glorifying the destruction, stating, “and thus the cycle repeats itself.”
A lady with white hair is introduced as a new character on Dark season 3 trailer (Photo: Dark Trailer/Youtube)
Interestingly, the creators only revealed a small glimpse of the lady’s back to make the fans of the show even more confused.
New Characters in The ‘Dark’ Series: a child, a Cleft-Lipman And an Old Man
The trailer of the final edition of the show has also revealed new characters, who are supposed to play a crucial role in the show. The three new characters: a child, a cleft-lip man, and an older man—are seen burning Adam’s office with lanterns.
The three new characters from the Dark season 3 (Photo: Dark Trailer/Youtube)
According to Hollywood Reporter, actors Barbara Nusse, Jakob Diehl, Hans Diehl, Sammy Scheuritzel, Nina Kronjager, and Axel Werner are the ones who are recruited as newcomers in the show. However, the newcomers’ character names are yet to be disclosed.
A World Without Jonas
If you are Dark fan, you’d surely remember the sixth episode of Dark’s second season. The show was named ‘An Endless Cycle.’
As the story unfolded in the episode, Claudia Tiedemann told Jonas that she had seen the world without him, and that world was not how he expected.
The reason why we are discussing the above statement of Claudia is that the same reference was again repeated in the newly released trailer of Dark’s Season 3.
A picture of Lisa Vicari and Louis Hofmann as Martha and Jonas from the Dark season 3 (Photo: Dark Trailer/Youtube)
In the 1 minute and 10th second of the trailer, an unknown voice stated, “A World Without You,” while Jonas was with alternate world’s Martha.
The statement might be enough to prove that the alternate Martha was from the world where there is no existence of Jonas.
Dark series Instagram reflects time loop initiated by Adam and Jones (Photo: Dark/Instagram)
Revisit this place to read more about the award-winning Netflix original series. Its storyline revolves around time-travel, children abduction, villains desiring to end existence, protagonist dying to save everyone, and fractured relationship among characters.
The episodes will feature on Netflix on June 27, 2020.