Internet personality Logan Paul is no stranger to controversies. His never-ending content, which features an onslaught of pranks, stunts, and brags, often raises eyebrows. However, his video of his trip to the Aokigahara Forest of Japan, also known as the “suicide forest,” was perhaps the most controversial.

The YouTuber faced heavy backlash and even disappeared from the online community for a while after providing a lengthy explanation and a heartfelt apology. However, after some time, he returned to vlogging and became a boxer. 

Logan Paul Introduces CrpytoZoo

Ever since he fought with Floyd Mayweather, the YouTuber’s name has been buzzing on the internet. He seemed to be of good behavior until he forayed into a different business endeavor. Earlier in August, he announced he wanted to make a name in the cryptocurrency space.

He launched his non-fungible tokens or NFTs and suggested that his company would “change the game.” NFTs are assets that can be bought with cryptocurrency. In simple terms, NFTs is like collecting art, but only digitally.  

NFTs can be anything from artworks, images, audio clips, videos to any random thing you do or find on the internet. NFTs allow creators to digitize their work so that no one can replicate it, and some are worth millions of dollars.

Paul introduced the world to an NFT based game called CryptoZoo, where ‘zoo’ owners can trade, collect, and breed exotic hybrid animals. 

In an IMPAULSIVE Clips video, Paul seemed confident about the success of his venture and revealed that he invested millions based on his confidence.

Bro, we have a massive team behind it and are probably out-of-pocket like a million, just because we believe it’s gonna work. 

Even before its release, CryptoZoo had over 5000 unique holders.

Logan Paul Called Out on Twitter for CryptoZoo

And just when it looked like all the hate for the social media star was ending, he got into trouble again. The NFT project initially received a lot of hype thanks to Paul’s fame, but he went viral on Twitter recently after a user called his project a scam.

Paul’s CryptoZoo has come under fire for allegedly using photoshopped Adobe Stock images. 

A Twitter user named Coffeezilla, who described himself as an “internet detective exposing scams,” exposed Paul with a side-by-side comparison photo of a stock image of a panda alongside its CryptoZoo variant. 

He also shared one of a penguin and another of a lion. Although the truth has not been established, Paul’s art looked suspiciously similar to the stock image.

“DON’T SUPPORT THIS CLOWN PROJECT. My guy is literally ripping off stock photos and their “admin” Ben Roth is lying about it in the telegram," he said.

Many users responded to Coffeezilla’s claim, noting that Paul would never change and that he was a scammer. So far, Paul has not responded to the accusations.