Graham Elliot Raves about Quality Changes His Weight Loss Transformation Has Brought

Graham Elliot has undergone significant weight loss in recent years. Many fans often wonder, "how much weight did Graham Elliot lose?"
The renowned chef has an innate ability to collocate four-star cuisine with humor, insight, and unconventional creativity.
With appreciation for food and passion for cooking, he even made it to the judges' panel on the Fox Network's popular competitive-cooking show, MasterChef, alongside Christina Tossi, Gordon Ramsay, and Joe Bastianich.
And as his appreciation grew, so did his waistline.
Graham Elliot before his weight loss (Source: Graham Elliot/ Instagram)
He joked that "no one trusts a skinny chef," but by 2013, he was far from skinny and weighed almost 400 pounds.
The excess weight brought health problems like heart attacks and strokes. That was when the chef decided he needed to make changes.
How Did Graham Elliot Lose Weight?
It was not like the chef had done nothing about his weight.
For years, he had tested various imaginative diets, worked with a dozen personal trainers, and joined multiple gyms, but he didn't achieve the results he wanted.
He realized he had to do something extreme and opted to undergo weight loss surgery.
He consulted with Vivek Prachand, an expert in minimally invasive abdominal surgery, and after many rounds of discussions and counseling, Elliot underwent obesity surgery in July 2013.
Besides surgery, the chef also introduced many changes in his life.
One change was his eating habits. The chef eliminated bread, pasta, soda, and beer and refrained from having late-night burgers and snacks.
The chef now eats salmon or chicken with salad or vegetables, and deserts consist of fruits, not ice cream.
He also replaced the sugary treats with almonds and dried fruit in his dressing room on the MasterChef set. As for exercises, the chef worked out almost every day.
And his hard work paid off. Nine months after his surgery, he lost a whopping 147 lbs.
Graham Elliot's Weight Loss Changes
Before the weight loss, the judge had hypertension, gout and was in constant pain.
He also had to rely on a sleep apnea machine, which prevented him from leaning over to snuggle with his wife and kids.
And the most frustrating for him was his inability to run and play sports with his three young kids.
"I physically could not do things a father, husband, and parent should be able to do," he said.
Fortunately for him, he reaped the benefits of his healthy transformation. He shared that he no longer needed to wear a seatbelt extender or relied on his machine to keep his airway open while he slept.
His cholesterol levels had radically improved, and his blood pressure had returned to a normal level.
The chef believes the transformation also changed his personality.
He was more assertive, and no longer had fears of people calling him fat if he said something wrong.
He still joked around, but he was a little more in command in meetings.
But the best part for him was, without a doubt, being able to spend time with his kids and making them proud.
Elliot recalled they were all running around playing tag with his son's friends during his son Mylo's birthday.
His son told them that his father was the fastest and could beat them in a race. "That was awesome!" said the chef.