Demi Lovato Shot Their Shot at Emily Hampshire: ‘I Slid in Those DMs’

Demi Lovato might have gotten rejected.
During their latest episode on the podcast 4D With Demi Lovato, they invited Canadian actress Emily Hampshire, known for her role in the hit comedy show Schitt’s Creek. The two talked about realizing their gender orientations and coming out.
Emily Hampshire’s Deal Breaker
About 34 minutes into their conversation, the actress made a startling revelation about the ‘Skyscraper’ singer. She revealed that Lovato slid into her DMs and asked her out on a date.
You said, “Hey girl, I like you on the show. We should kick it sometime.” And then, below it, you said, “And by kick it, I mean go on a date. I find you attractive, or whatever.”
The actress, 40, then added that she appreciated Lovato, 29, being direct about asking her out on a date because she was confused about what “kick it” meant and was looking it up.
She then joked that the two of them had a decade age gap, which might be why she did not accept Lovato’s advances.
But then Lovato countered by reminding her of the couple Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor, who have a 32-year-age gap. Then realizing they might have accidentally compared Hampshire to Taylor, who was older by 38 years, Lovato tried to save themselves, noting that was not what they meant.
However, Hampshire, who found the situation funny, took it in stride and agreed she was proud to be Taylor. The two, of course, did not start a romance, but it appears to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Emily Hampshire’s Coming Out
During the podcast, Hampshire also revealed how she learned about her identity on Schitt’s Creek. Since its debut in 2015, the series has been widely celebrated for promoting LGBTQ acceptance.
But the portrayal of Dan Levy’s David, who is attracted to anyone regardless of their gender identity, has been lauded by viewers and critics alike. During her revelation, Hampshire shared:
From the beginning, Dan was like, “There will be no homophobia on Schitt’s Creek. It just doesn’t exist there.”
Hampshire revealed that the show’s famous wine scene in which David explained to Stevie (Hampshire) his gender orientation while discussing wine actually helped her figure out her own identity.
For someone well-versed in LGBTQ+ stuff, she was surprised to learn about David’s orientation.
This new knowledge made her rethink her own identity, and it took her almost 5 years to decide what her identity was. At the time, she was dating someone, and there were message boards where people were questioning if she was lesbian.
This prompted her to ask Levy what her identity was, but she mentioned she did not care about where someone was on the gender spectrum as she just fell in love with a person.
That’s when Levy replied that she was omni-gendered. Hampshire thus knew from then on her gender orientation.