Since becoming a dad to son Ben in early 2019 via surrogate, Andy Cohen hasn't had the luxury to go out and explore the world of relationships.

But speaking with Entertainment Tonight in August 2021, the television talk show host seemed to be in a good mood to talk about his dating life moving forward.

He initially admitted that finding the guy he wanted to catch had become different and harder after having a kid.


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"Oh my god. It's changed a lot," he stated, adding, "I think it's become harder in a way. There's just this subtext that's obvious without me saying it that's there, that was never there, obviously. You know what I mean?"

However, now as the host and executive producer of the new Peacock dating series Ex-Rated, he joked about being interested in taking on the hot seat by himself.

He explained by saying that if the show runs long enough, he might reconsider appearing as one of the contestants of the show.

I'm friends with all of my exes and we have very open relationships, in terms of we communicate with each other well. I know what my exes would say. I know what my issues are and I think I do have a good sense of that.

Despite admitting that he knew all his ex-boyfriends and their answers, he showed interest in reading what his exes would eventually fill up in the survey.

"I would love to know how my exes would fill out this survey and see the results," he added.


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The Watch What Happens Live host had similar things to say when he spoke with People this month. He unveiled that he was dying for his exes to fill out the survey to see how he scored while saying the show makes one want to put themselves in the hot seat.

That being said, he was impressed, and therefore, praised the idea of straight confessions from exes and use the information to make themselves better at dating.

In the interview, Cohen, who reportedly does not have a boyfriend or a partner currently, also went on to discuss what he looked for in a relationship.

"I like very independent people who have their own things going with their own lives, who are very strong in their belief systems," the host explained. "That's very attractive to me."


As mentioned by Cohen, Ex-Rated is a dating show on the Peacock network where each episode centers around a single person who gets rated by their ex-partners on a series of intimate topics.

The queries are put forward in hopes of figuring out areas of improvement as contestants head into their next relationships.

In addition, the singles also get the opportunity to try and persuade one of their exes to rekindle their relationship after hearing their feedback.

The show also features certified intimacy expert Shan Boodram who gets into real conversations with the contestants about the problems they face during intimacy with their partners.

NBC Los Angeles reviews the show as "a boundary-pushing show where nothing seems off-limits."

Ex-Rated's first season is an eight-episode saga, premiering on August 12.