Alexis Ohanian cannot stop singing praises for his wife, Serena Williams. 

The Reddit co-founder praised his tennis star wife for her ability to balance her duties as a pro athlete and a mother while speaking about his advocacy for paid family leave on CBS This Morning. 

Ohanian revealed he always felt that the path to greatness resulted from dedication and pure work.

He iterated that in recent years, thanks to his wife, he is changing his warped views and believes that one needs to balance work and life by spending time away from it to reset and recharge.

He mentioned how his wife was remarkable at focusing on family and personal time while shutting everything else off. On the other hand, he was just a “smartphone away” from nose-diving into work, but admitted that Williams keeps him in check.

On Changing Stigma

Ohanian has always been a staunch advocate for paid parents’ leave. Although the tech entrepreneur made some hard-hitting points in the aforementioned interview, this is not the first time he has spoken openly about his views. 

In fact, in 2019, he published an essay for The New York Times in which he opened up about his decision to take his 16 weeks of leave after he and Williams welcomed Olympia in Sept. 2017.

He wrote that while he understood that not every father was lucky enough to take a paternity leave without the fear of it negatively affecting his career, he stressed its importance. 

Ohanian blamed the lack of paternity leave for our culture’s stigma of how men are shaped to believe that they have to be sole providers for their wives and kids. He added that "men’s sense of duty is often fear-based.”

He also noted that his time with Olympia made him understand his responsibility for caring for his family early on. 

The understanding of my responsibility to care for my family that I gained during those first months after Olympia’s birth has never left me, and it gives purpose to my fatherhood today.

He then concluded that spending quality time together with family is of the utmost importance and wrote how he only learned that through the experience of taking leave.

All the Times Ohanian Supported His Wife

Whether it’s being the best father or cheering Williams on from the sidelines, Ohanian has captured the world’s attention for his role as a supportive partner and loving husband

The tech guru showed his unwavering support for Williams during the Australian Open in February 2021 by wearing a white graphic t-shirt emblazoned with the message “Greatest Female Athlete” and a photo of Williams playing tennis.

The word Female had a strike across.

Back in 2018, Ohanian made a sweet gesture for his wife by installing four billboards outside Palm Springs, California, to celebrate the star athlete’s return to tennis after she gave birth to their daughter.

The massive ads feature adorable photos of their daughter and praise for Williams for being an amazing mom. “Greatest Momma of All Time (G.M.O.A.T.),” the signs read.

Williams has won many prizes, but perhaps her most prized possession is her sweet husband.