Gal Gadot Reveals Joss Whedon’s Toxic Behaviour during Justice League Reshoot

Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has revealed the toxic behavior and unfair treatment she received from director Joss Whedon. She had previously acknowledged Ray Fisher and other actors’ accusations towards Whedon, saying she had an “experience” with him.
Gadot confirmed to N12 News’ Yuna Leibzon that Whedon had threatened to harm her career while filming for Justice League. She revealed the contents of the director’s threat, further shedding light on his behavior, for which he has been receiving a lot of negative attention.
EXCLUSIVE: @GalGadot confirms previous reports to @N12News’ @YunaLeibzon, saying Joss Whedon threatened to 'harm' her career — החדשות - N12 (@N12News) May 9, 2021
He kind of threatened my career and said if I did something, he would make my career miserable, and I just took care of it instead.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the clash came about after Whedon insisted Gadot record lines she didn’t want to. He also reportedly disparaged Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins.
A witness from the production opened up about the incident, revealing Whedon bragged that “he’s had it out with Gal” and that he told her he’s the writer so she should 'shut up and say the lines or he could make her look incredibly stupid in the movie.'
Gadot and Jenkins battled it out against Whedon, which led to a meeting with former Warner Bros chairman Kevin Tsujihara. After the incident, Gadot released a statement saying, “I had my issues with [Whedon] and Warner Bros. handled it in a timely manner.”
Gadot Isn’t The Only One Speaking Up Against Whedon
Aside from Gadot, multiple other actors who have worked with Whedon have accused the director of similar behavior. At the forefront of these allegations is actor Ray Fisher, who played Cyborg in Justice League.
Joss Wheadon’s on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable.
He was enabled, in many ways, by Geoff Johns and Jon Berg.
Accountability>Entertainment — Ray Fisher (@ray8fisher) July 1, 2020
Fisher’s dispute with Whedon started after replacing Zack Snyder as the director for the DC superhero movie. Fisher informed Whedon of the points he and Snyder had believed to be integral for the movie on Cyborg’s part. He also had “to explain some of the most basic points of what would be offensive to the Black community.”
Whedon dismissed Fisher’s points, saying he didn’t take notes from anybody — not even Robert Downey Jr. Fisher also brought to light the various other instances where other stars had been mistreated on set. It was here that Gadot’s mistreatment had been talked about for the first time.
My truth. #IStandWithRayFisher — charisma carpenter (@AllCharisma) February 10, 2021
Following Fisher’s accusations, several others chimed in. Buffy and Angel actor Charisma Carpenter shared her experience working with Whedon, claiming Whedon had abused his power on multiple occasions.
Carpenter shared about the multiple times Whedon threatened to fire her, insensitive comments about her body during her pregnancy, and several other incidents. Buffy actor Michelle Trachtenberg also made a statement showing support for Carpenter and revealed the rule on set that prevented Whedon from being in a room alone with Trachtenberg.