Is Terry Bradshaw’s Granddaughter Zurie Adopted? Know His Grandchildren

Legendary quarterback Terry Bradshaw entered the realm of reality TV with his wife Tammy in September 2020.
Along for the ride are their daughters Rachel, Erin, and Lacey and their husbands and children.
Tammy is a four-time Super Bowl champ, NFL Hall of Famer, and football analyst on NBC’s Better Late Than Never.
Executive producer Jason Ehrlich introduced the idea to document the Bradshaws’ lives.
Jason met Bradshaw’s family during his surprise 70th birthday party and saw how much fun they had together.
After his observation, he thought his family was perfect for a reality show. Thus, The Bradshaw Bunch was born.
The series is currently in its second season. The Bradshaws are quickly becoming a fan favorite.
But viewers also have specific questions like “is Terry Bradshaw’s granddaughter adopted.” The granddaughter in question is Zurie, and viewers are curious about her.
Terry Bradshaw’s Granddaughter
If you have tuned in to the series, the ins and outs of their family have already been explained.
The former Super Bowl champion has been married four times and is currently with Tammy.
Tammy is the biological mother of Lacey Luttrull-Hester Bradshaw.
And Lacey is Zurie’s biological mother. She was born a year early before Terry and Tammy’s marriage, so to Zurie, Terry is her grandfather.
Zurie’s parentage has been a topic of interest for many viewers.
The curiosity arose when viewers noticed that she was visibly dark-skinned, which caused fans to speculate she was biracial.
But unfortunately, Lacey has never once mentioned who Zurie’s father is, and even on her Instagram, there are no traces of her baby daddy.
Instead, Zurie goes by her stepfather’s surname, Hester.
Whether or not she is adopted or who her biological father is unknown but one thing audiences can count on is her insightful personality to keep them entertained.
The little girl has been described by her mother as “strong, smart, confident, and beautiful.”
Zurie also has a little brother Jebediah, and they live with their mother and stepfather, Noah Hester, in Hawaii.
Terry Bradshaw’s Bond with His Grandchildren
Terry has an amusingly amorous relationship with his grandchildren, which is evident on the show.
He spends a lot of time with them, especially his granddaughter, who has already developed love and admiration for horses like him and his daughter Erin.
Zurie competed in her first horse show in July 2020 and took home the first prize overall. This made Tammy elated.
Besides spending time together, Zurie also keeps her grandfather entertained with her sassy one-liners.
She noted that she did not understand how big a celebrity Terry was during the show. “I don’t know what the big deal about Poppy is. I mean I’m a lot cuter,” she said.
As for Zurie’s brother, he is too young to be goofing around with their grandfather, but he does crack Tammy up with his antics.
Tammy is besotted with his grandchildren.