It's no surprise that a newly formed Hollywood romance made headlines. Still, it was different when Peter Serafinowicz first met his wife, Sarah Alexander.

This was because Alexander was in a somewhat unorthodox relationship. She was a 29-year-old at the time, dating a 72-year-old man. 

Peter Serafinowicz poses with his wife in formals

Peter Serafinowicz poses with his wife in formals (Source: Twitter)

Sarah Alexander Dated A 72-year-old at 29

Alexander turned quite a few heads back in the day when she went public with her relationship with English actor Gerald Harper, who was twice her age and then some. 

For the longest of time, Alexander and her boyfriend had insisted that their relationship was strong and healthy regardless of the glaring age gap between the two. 

The age-old argument: Age is just a number. 

Ironically, their relationship dwindled with time, and Alexander parted ways with Harper only to replace him with a man less than half his age a while later. 

Sarah Alexander Insisted the Age Gap Didn't Matter

In an exclusive report, The Free Library cited one of Alexander's friends to claim that Alexander's relationship with Harper had been on the rocks for quite a while. 

"When they first met, Sarah insisted that the age gap just didn't matter because she was head over heels in love," the source outed. 

It is also noteworthy that Harper has a daughter eight years older than Alexander.

However, in due time, both of them realized they came from two different worlds, and when the relationship finally concluded, Alexander had turned to Serafinowicz for a shoulder to cry on. 

Sarah Alexander Turned to Peter Serafinowicz for Support

The outlet outlined how Serafinowicz and his wife were friends for quite a while before her relationship ended. 

When she sought his support while recuperating from the breakup, the two of them developed a bond of their own. 

"As they spent more time together, Peter and Sarah realised they had strong feelings for one another," the source further stressed. 

Peter Serafinowicz Is a Father of 2

Serafinowicz later invited Alexander to move into his London home in fashionable Islington. The source had also affirmed that Alexander was blissfully happy with her new beau. 

Needless to say, the two of them got married. 

Serafinowicz and his wife are parents to two children — one son and one daughter. Sadly, the couple has made sure that their children's names remain hidden from the public eyes. 

Peter Serafinowicz Cracks Jokes about Wife

In fact, the couple leads a fairly private life on the personal front. The wife is scantly active on her socials, and even when she is, she is there to promote her next project or that of her husband's.

In contrast, the husband is relatively active on his Twitter, not so much on other platforms. However, he chooses to keep his Twitter feed limited to posting about his work and upcoming project.

There are a few loose jokes that the comedian cracks at the expense of his wife. Here are the ones we found:

Sad news for eager fans; these were about the only times that the comedian made references suggesting that he was married.

So, it seems highly unlikely that they will be posting more about one another anytime soon.