Mel Giedroyc met her husband Ben Morris at a dinner party in 2000 when she was 31.

The pair hit it off instantly and tied the knot two years later. The famed actress was four-and-a-half months pregnant with their first child at the time of the wedding. 

The ceremony was admittedly "lovely," but Giedroyc told DailyMail that she had made all the wrong choices.

"Wrong haircut. Wrong dress. Wrong make-up. Wrong everything hastily put together," she recounted.

Months after the nuptials, Giedroyc gave birth to their daughter, Florence. And within two years, they welcomed another addition into their family, daughter Vita.

The motherhood and the changes in her family life, however, put a slump in Giedroyc's budding career. Consequently, she and her husband found themselves trapped with a mortgage.

Still, Mel Giedroyc and Husband's Families Were Supportive

Giedroyc and her husband had no financial issues until a Kingsmill ad campaign bankrolled them. 

So when they had their children, they brought a house that "was too big" for them. A bank had lent them £500,000, and they had accepted, believing they could pay it back. 

Mel Giedroyc with her husband Ben Morris and children.

Mel Giedroyc with her husband Ben Morris and children. (Photo: The Picture Library Ltd)

Just then, Kingsmill withdrew from their campaign, and Giedroyc suddenly had no source of income. 

In the wake of the trouble, she and her partner tried to sell their house, but the efforts were for naught.

"The market was just starting to fall. I thought, 'We're going to have to declare ourselves bankrupt if we don't sell this,'" Giedroyc recalled to DailyMail. 

Despite the odds, they persevered and sold their house in the end.

They moved into a tiny two-bedroom flat filled with "orange velvet and mice." Although there were challenges in their rented home, the married duo admittedly felt liberation with no mortgage. 

Giedroyc later told the Evening Standard that they were extremely lucky to have supportive families during trying times.

They knew they would never be on the streets, no matter how hard the situation would have turned out to be.

In the same interview, Giedroyc stressed that having children was the best thing she did in her life, although motherhood brought her multiple challenges. 

Mel Giedroyc on Having Children

Giedroyc shared her happiness of being a mother during an interview with The Big Issue on November 27, 2012. 

"My kids are the best thing that ever happened to me," she stated, warning it may sound cheesy but was true.

The Great British Bake Off's former host acknowledged her children were fun and interesting. "They just blew me away," she added and noted their presence made everything worthwhile. 

Giedroyc then recounted the moment she looked at her first child, mentioning Florence was just a few days old in her little basket. As per her accounts, the instant made her realize her mortality. 

"I'd never thought about dying before. It's a weird one. It signaled my sudden going back to church — that fear of death, it made me go back to praying," she remarked. 

Elsewhere during the conversation, Giedroyc expressed the fear that her daughters would be like her and do things she did in her teenage. 

She recalled she had total freedom as the youngest of four siblings and did things her parents never knew. She hoped her daughters would be more mature than her.Â