South Korean singer and actress Park Soo-ah, professionally known as Lizzy, broke into tears while apologizing for a drunk driving incident that took place on May 19, 2021. 

She had collided with a taxi in front of the intersection near the southern end of Yeongdong Bridge in Cheongdam in Seoul’s Gangnam district at 10 p.m. KST. She was found drunk driving when the police started interrogation. 

The alcohol level in her blood was reportedly over 0.08 percent. Thankfully, neither she nor the taxi driver sustained injuries. That being said, the former After School singer was booked without detention for her crime.

Then on July 19, 2021, the seventh criminal division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office charged Lizzy with dangerous driving under the Additional Punishment Law on Specific Crimes and violating the Road Traffic Act by committing DUI (Driving Under Influence.) 

The indictment was done without detention. Ergo, Lizzy's case was booked for trial without detaining her. As a result, her first trial will be held on September 27.

Lizzy's Apology on Drunk Driving Case

On September 14, 2021, Lizzy apologized to all her fans and followers for the drunk driving incident through Instagram live. At first, the Busan native mentioned she wanted to apologize in writing but opined that it would not have been enough. 

"I am so very sorry," she stated before shedding light on the negativity she had been experiencing since the accident. The Orange Caramel singer then became emotional as she said that her life was over because of the case. 

She even mentioned how the stories were fabricated to make her look like a villain. 

It’s true that I’ve let everyone down. The driver [from the accident] wasn’t hurt that much, but the articles [were written that way].

Being candid about the criticism, Lizzy reported how people were making things harder for her. The 29-year-old recounted they were asking her to die. As per her accounts, they were making the situation worse, demanding her to take drastic decisions. 

"Don’t people have a hard time at least once in their lives?" the songstress wondered before confessing that she did something very wrong. And at the end of her emotional apology, she again said sorry for the entire ordeal. 

Mixed Reaction to Lizzy's Drunk Driving Apology

Soon after Lizzy's public apology, her fans and followers were divided into her supporter and adversaries.

According to DKDKTV, her fans defended her by posting a public statement, urging people to be forgiving and understanding. They hoped the actress would be supported when she returned to the entertainment industry. 

However, others criticized Lizzy's action. One particular internet user bluntly commented, "you should apologize to the victim (not on Instagram to random people)."

Another person shared similar sentiments and pointed out how someone's life could have ended because of her carelessness. The person suggested Lizzy reflect on herself instead of selling her tears. 

Lizzy's case spurred more controversy because she had claimed to be against drunk driving in an interview back in 2019. She had vehemently stated that drunk driving was equivalent to murder. 

On top of that, she opined that a person driving under the influence of alcohol must be scolded.