Josh Herbert met his wife Abbie Herbert when she was still a teenage model, but the two of them didn't start dating until much later when Abbie was in a dark place in her life. 

The wife opened up about her struggles over several installments on her TikTok and a singular video over on the couple's YouTube channel. 

She even directed fans to the YouTube video via an Instagram post.

"I finally sat down and talked about my past and struggles," she wrote in the captions. "I let it all out about my past with alcohol, modeling, my body image, and PCOS."

She confessed she was struggling with a lot of things from the age of 17 to 20, especially with self-love. 

On the YouTube video accompanying the post, the husband-wife duo picked up on how Abbie had been honest and vocal about her struggles with various issues over on their TikTok, but this installment was a sort of amalgamation of it all. 

Josh Herbert's Wife Had a Drinking Problem

Right off the bat, Abbie confessed she started drinking early since she was still in high school, which was around the same time she started modeling. 

When she was 15 years old, she was called to sign for an agency in New York, but the agent wanted her to lose weight for the job. She quietly complied. 

By the time she'd completed high school, she was a model on the weekdays and would party excessively hard with her friends on the weekends. 

Over time, the drinking caused her to gain more and more water weight, and she began starving herself to keep her body in check. 

Josh Herbert with his wife Abbie Herbert on their wedding (Source: Instagram)

Eventually, the company she had signed with let her go claiming that she was "too fat" for the job. 

This layoff didn't help her much either.

As she found herself leaning onto the bottle harder, her mother suggested that she get back in touch with Josh, who back then was just a local musician that she'd worked with before. 

Eventually, the two of them fell in love, but the drinking still prevailed. Until one day, Josh had enough of it. 

Josh Herbert Pushed Wife to Sobriety

The wife admitted she was very mean to her husband when she was drunk and turned into a completely different person. 

So one day, Josh sat her down and told her that the relationship would suffer if she did not change her ways. She agreed and promptly quit drinking. 

She lost all the weight she'd gained because of the booze. But she had yet to conquer the addictive personality she'd developed. 

She thrust herself into the weight loss regimen to the point that it was unhealthy for her. She would be working out, starve herself, and when people told her she was thin, she took it as a compliment. 

When in reality, in her head, her only focus was to lose more weight. 

She had to deal with full-blown cystic acne caused by her PCOS, which she attributed to birth control.

When she consulted her doctor about it, the doctor told her she needed to go back to her regular lifestyle before all of this. 

It took Abbie's pregnancy and her husband's unwavering support by her side to really fall back in love with herself.