What Happened to Jeremy Jackson’s Ex Wife Loni Willison?

Earlier in May 2021, Loni Willison was spotted pushing a trolley full of clothes in the streets of Los Angeles.
She was also seen eating pizza from a dumpster and sharing the crumbs with a squirrel.
Before the said sighting, Willison was spotted in a similar situation in October 2020 after going missing for around two years.
The thirty-eight-year-old is the ex-wife of television star Jeremy Jackson, known for his role as Hobie Buchannon on the popular series Baywatch.
Loni Willison was spotted living in the streets earlier this year. (Source: The Sun)
A Look into Jeremy Jackson's Former Wife Loni Willison
Willison is a former fitness model and magazine cover star who is currently living in the streets of Los Angeles.
She has been homeless since 2016, two years after she split with her ex-husband Jackson.
The reason for their divorce was understood to be her husband's alleged physical assault on Willison. Jackson's ex wife also accused him of attempting to strangle her at their West Hollywood home.
Willison was reportedly left with two broken ribs, neck injuries, and bruises to her face because of the assault.
As reported by The Sun in 2021, before ending up in the streets of California, Willison was working as an assistant at a Los Angeles-based cosmetic surgery center.
While Willison was going through her separation from her former husband, she seemingly had a mental breakdown.
Consequentially, she lost her position at the surgery center, resulting in the former model being forced to leave her apartment.
She also claimed to be working for a realtor who never paid her.
Because of unfavorable living conditions, Willison was forced to give up on her car and eventually ended up in the streets.
Loni Willison pulls a cart out at Santa Monica Beach. (Source: Twitter)
"I lost two jobs and everything crumbled. It's been two years, I've been on the streets since," she told the Daily Mail in 2018.
In a separate 2021 interview with The Sun, Willison blamed some "really bad people," which brought on the misery in her life.
Per Willison, she felt "kind of stuck," upon realizing there to be "not a whole lot anyone" who could help her.
Interestingly, she claimed to have gotten "electrocuted before I became homeless," a claim which has not yet been justified.
Loni Willison's Struggle with Drug Addiction
Jackson's ex wife took to drugs and became a meth and alcohol addict while battling mental health issues as a solitary street person.
In 2018, her friends attempted to take Willison to rehab. However, the former fitness model disappeared only to be found two years later.
During her first sighting, Willison was asked by The Sun's reporter how she was doing living under challenging circumstances.
Willison replied, "doing fine," and later revealed herself to be completely isolated from her former husband, friends, and family.
She said,
I haven’t spoken to Jeremy. I don’t want to speak to my friends, I’m doing just fine. I don’t want anyone to help me. I can live on my own. I’ve got everything I need right here. Nobody really cares about me and I don’t want to see them, they don’t want to see me.
During the same sighting, the ex wife of the television star was spotted in an unkempt condition with a few missing teeth.