Jenny Tolman's husband, Dave Brainard, was left for dead in the streets of Nashville. 

Albeit, he was not her husband then — not even a boyfriend. He was but a colleague who'd just become a good friend. 

However, when the news reached Tolman, she had what she admits was an epiphany. She was in love. 

Dave Brainard Was Severely Assaulted

It was September 2015, and the Grammy-nominated producer was with a friend somewhere in Nashville when the both of them were brutally attacked and left for dead. 


A post shared by Jenny Tolman (@jennytolman)

Thankfully, they made it to the hospital. 

As per an exclusive report from People, Brainard had a broken jaw, a mouth full of shattered teeth, and multiple facial lacerations. Not long after, Tolman got the news. 

"When you hear that sort of news about someone, it solidifies everything you feel for that person," she confessed to the outlet. "It was a moment of epiphany for me."

It was like, 'Oh my God, I am in love with this person, and someone has hurt him, and I need to be with him.' That's when I realized that he wasn't just a good friend. He was my person.

Jenny Tolman Wrote Songs for Injured Dave Brainard

The country singer also revealed that she wrote Brainard two songs and sent them to him while he was at the hospital. 

"I remember that he sent me a text message basically saying, 'This is so beautiful' and 'Gosh, you are so beautiful,'" she recalled laughing. "That's a text I hung onto."

During the time of this interview, in 2021, Brainard was still undergoing a slew of dental procedures as a result of the September 2015 attack. So you know that the attack was serious. 

 Jenny Tolman & her husband Dave Brainard celebrating six years of togetherness

Jenny Tolman & her husband Dave Brainard celebrating six years of togetherness (Source: Instagram)

Ironically, the tragic night that very well might have separated Tolman and Brainard forever was the night that brought them ever closer together. 

Dave Brainard's Confession of Love

A couple of months passed since that unfortunate incident and the duo, still friends, went out on dinner in January 2016. 

"It had just started snowing in Nashville that night, and we had gone to dinner, but I wasn't 21 years old yet, so we couldn't go to a bar," the songstress recalled. 

The producer was driving when he made his confession of love. 

"He was like, 'Please know that this was never my intention, and I don't know how this happened, but I think I am in love with you,' and I said, 'I'm in love with you,'" Tolman shared. 

The night ended in Brainard's apartment, and the couple has been together ever since. 

Dave Brainard & Jenny Tolman Are Married

After over four years of dating, Brainard got down on one knee to ask Tolman if she would grace him with permission to be her husband.

Bernard proposed when the couple was hiking in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, back on October 28, 2020.


A post shared by Jenny Tolman (@jennytolman)

"The crazy part is that a professional photographer happening to be hiking and saw the proposal and started taking pictures of us," the songstress shared.

After almost a year and a half, the couple would share their vows as husband and wife on March 19, 2022. 

"Perfect is an understatement," the husband said of the wedding