Elizabeth Holmes was once at the top of the world. Her parents, friends, and partner supported her — all wanted her to be successful in her field.

And for a certain time, Holmes was successful. She had everything — money, fame, and power — with her health technology company, Theranos.

She was named the youngest self-made female billionaire in America because of Theranos. But now, she is a convicted felon accused of criminal fraud.

She might face up to 20 years in jail, but her exact sentence will be announced on September 26, 2022. Hulu's show, The Dropout, is based on her life story of success and failure, where Amanda Seyfried portrayed Holmes.

In the first episode of the show, Holmes' parents are portrayed, and they are represented as a supportive family. In fact, they were exactly like that in real life, wanting nothing but the best for their daughter.

Elizabeth Holmes' Parents' Wishes for Their Daughter

Holmes has been a competitive person ever since she was a child. She wanted to be first and do the best for herself and others.

She told The New Yorker in 2014 how she was inspired by "stories about greatness." She grew up listening to those stories and about people who decided not "to spend their lives on something purposeful."

She was influenced by those people and their choices that affected their quality of life. Her mother and father wanted her to lead a purposeful life as well.

She told the tabloid that her parents gave her a copy of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius when to went to Stanford. Her father said the book's meaning was "to convey to her: Live a purposeful life."

While her parents might not have wanted her to go down a bad road, people have blamed them for the downfall of once the youngest self-made female billionaire in the USA.

Elizabeth Holmes posing for a picture

Elizabeth Holmes posing for a picture. (Source: Twitter)

Richard Fuisz, a psychiatrist and Holmes' childhood neighbor, told Forbes on February 17, 2019, that her family placed a little too much emphasis on their history.

He noted, "that family background was part of the con." When Holmes was interviewed to talk about her inventions and business, her "family members would be brought up."

Similarly, John Carreyrou told The Dropout podcast that Holmes' parents "very much yearned for the days of yore when the family was one of the richest in America."

He reasoned Holmes channeled that since a young age — something that eventually led to her downfall.

Who Are Elizabeth Holmes' Parents?

Holmes' father, Christian, grew up in a wealthy household. After graduation, he attended Wesleyan University and then worked for U.S. Agency for International Development and the State Department.

Christian was her daughter's idol growing up, and the latter wanted to follow in her father's footsteps. She told CNN in October 2014 that when her father worked in disaster relief, she tried to do the same.

But she later changed her career path after realizing that "a company could be a vehicle for having very direct impact over a change." Christian was also a vice president at companies like Tenneco and Enron.

Christian's family wealth and connections helped Holmes establish Theranos. He and his wife put Holmes' college funds and retirement funds into the now-defunct company.

Christian also introduced his daughter to different influential investors to give her a kick-start with her business. Not much is known about Holmes' mother, Noel.

It is reported that she worked in government, but after giving birth to her kids, she quit her job to stay at home. In 2014, she told Fortune about how she and her husband supported their daughter's ambition.

Many people blame Holmes' parents for not raising their kids well. However, the entrepreneur has never bad-mouthed about her mother and father, regardless of the rumors surrounding them.