A Look At 'The Late Late Show's Reggie Watts' Weight Loss Journey

Important Note: This article is not written to denounce overweight individuals, nor it’s penned to imply any form of negative assertions or connotations to being overweight. The author and Hollywoodmask understand and respect both the Body Positivity and Body Neutrality movement in the sense that we should treat each other with empathy and strive together to imagine a world in which we can channel our inner beauty and potentialities.
Reggie Watts' claim to fame might be being the bandhead on The Late Late Show with James Corden. Watts is also a stand-up comedian, actor, and beatboxer. The music director takes pride in his versatile talents and usually focuses on improvisations during any of his head-turning performances.
Watts's significant weight loss has been the head-turner as he is seen more fit than before. He used to be on the larger side during his pre-James Corden days but has gone on to sport a muscular physique as of late.
From Fat To Fit: Reggie Watts’ Secrets To Weight Loss
Before Watts got the job at The Late Late Show with James Corden in 2014, he was not as lean as he is now. Watts was prey to bad eating habits, as he himself puts it.
During an interview with GQ in May 2018, he said he looked like he was in a fat suit while performing gigs. He added that his weight gain was probably because he was touring a lot.
I felt like an in-shape guy in a fat suit...I’d be like, “Argh, I can move much better than that, and I can look much better than that.”
As he further told J.R. Sullivan of Men’s Journal, whenever he felt like he was running low on energy or melancholic, he resorted to food, thinking that it would make him feel good.
That eventually led him to go to hotel minibars, and it made him feel even more terrible. The same was the case when he was in his hometown, Brooklyn, with lots of great restaurants to go out and eat.
Did Landing A Job At The Late Late Show Motivate Watts To Get Fit?
After Watts got the job on The Late Late Show and moved to Los Angeles, he concluded that he was done being overweight and wanted to change the way he looked.
While it is not clear how exactly that resolve came about, one of the first changes he made to his lifestyle was changing his eating habits. To do that, Watts started getting his food delivered by an organic meal delivery service based in Los Angeles called Kore Kitchen.
His modular meals consisted of baked chicken, steamed broccoli, cod, and wilted spinach.
Along with changing his diet, Watts also got a nutritionist and found a trainer. He worked with Jorgen de Mey, a fitness trainer, and took a breakfast recipe that he created.
It consisted of “just half a cup of water, half a cup of plain kefir, a cup of oats, one scoop of chocolate egg-white protein, and a handful of blueberries.”
Watts, who was just eight pounds from his goal weight in August 2018, revealed to GQ that, at the time, he was trying to get around 12 percent body fat and get “really ripped and cut.”
Watts — who is a proponent of weed — also incorporated marijuana into his diet at the time. He started consuming Mondo cannabis powder while searching for a product that didn't give him food cravings.
In his own words, "It doesn’t give you the munchies; it just makes you feel groovy."
How Much Progress Has Reggie Watts Made Over The Years?
From the time he started working alongside James Corden to the time he gave the interview with GQ, Watts changed quite a lot in terms of body weight.
In a time frame of about three years, he has shed some 60 pounds of fat. In addition to this, he also put on 20 pounds of muscle weight.
In a July 29 2021 episode of The Late Late Show With James Corden, Watts looks great as he and Ed Sheeran ask each other a few questions while engaging in some light-hearted banter.
Even though his most recent weight information is not readily available, going through his Instagram and seeing him on the TV certainly reveals that he doesn't look like he will be slowing down anytime soon.