Tanisha Thomas on Her Weight Loss Journey — It’s a Marathon Not a Race

Tanisha Thomas was 300 pounds at her heaviest, and 168 at her lightest.
In a May 2021 interview with HelloBeautiful, the reality star got candid about her weight loss journey and the challenges she had to push through to make it.
A Bad Breakup Pushed Her over the Edge
When questioned about her weight, Thomas acknowledged that it had been and still was an ongoing journey.
Thomas started taking control of her health after she came out of a very abusive and toxic relationship. She confessed she was a complete wreck at the time, albeit her suffering was in silence.
With her newfound dedication, she managed to get to her lowest body weight. However, once she became a mother, her weight saw a lot of fluctuations.
Finding That Motivation
In another interview with Bossip in 2015, Thomas recalled the inception of her weight loss actually began with her book 'The Diary of a FAT Girl,' where "FAT" stood for "Fed up And Tired."
She explained that she had already been on a path to become a healthier person, mentally, physically, and spiritually, for a year and a half when that interview was taken.
At that time, she had shed 70 pounds of weight, found a strong spiritual connection with God, meditated, reflected, and went to therapy because she was exhausted of claiming to always be sick and tired.
She Initially Opted for Weight Loss Surgery
Also, in the interview, she recalled how when she was obese, she would have swollen feet just from being on set and would feel sick in general. So, to take back control, she initially opted for surgery.
However, when she went to her healthcare professionals, they told her she needed to lose 30 pounds just to qualify for the procedure. As routine procedures go, the doctors also ran her blood.
When the bloodwork came back, the doctors revealed that she actually needed to lose fifty pounds on her own and that she was borderline diabetic.
"The number for diabetes is 7.0 I was at a 6.7," she added.
The Dawn of Realization
At that point, she realized that she was actively making her life worse by being obese. She recalled the doctors saying, "You're essentially killing yourself and you're taking away 12 years from your life."
So, she began preparing for the liposuction; the surgical route to weight loss. She went on a liquid diet under the direct supervision of her physician. She also explicitly mentioned that it was not a route for everyone.
Then again, within two and a half months of shifting over to a liquid diet, she lost close to forty pounds — a feat she credited to her commitment.
Going back to her HelloBeautiful interview, the five years wiser Thomas now believed that having a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle was more of a marathon than a race.
On that note, apart from working on her body routinely, the reality Bad Girls Club star also thanked God for all that she had.