Netflix's 'Dark' Season 3: Who Play The Three Cleft-Lip 'Men? Their Importance In Final Cycle

Netflix released the final trailer of the Dark season 3 on June 12, 2020. The award-winning Netflix original series is set to release on June 27, 2020.
After watching the final trailer of the Dark series, fans have been restless pondering over the appearance of new "trio" characters. And their major introspection is around whether the new members are adherent to saving the world or they are the new baddies who are conspiring for total annihilation in the big scheme of things.
Me last night #Darknetflix — Mohamed BenFraj🀄 (@its_MBF) June 13, 2020
Who are the actors playing the new trio characters in the Dark season 3? Join us as we reveal the actors and their possible roles in the final cycle.
New’ Trio’ Characters In the Dark Season 3
New characters: Dark season 3 reveals three cleft-lip men (Photo:Netflix)
The trailer of Netflix’s Dark season 3 introduces fans with three new characters. The characters seen in the trailer are of different age groups- a kid, grown-up man, and an older man. Plus, all three characters have a cleft lip that suggests that they are probably the same person from different points of time.
Initially, the trio featured in the series’ announcement teaser where they were seen walking through Adam’s office carrying an old-age lantern each. The middle-aged man threw his lantern on the walls, and the other two did the same. In no time, the trio watched the place go up in flames.
Later, in the final trailer, it was seen that the trio was standing in front of a mysterious woman. It seemed like they were taking orders from her. As they slowly approached the white-haired woman, she said, “and thus the cycle repeats itself.”
Trio’s Role In Dark Season 3 (Fan Theories)
With the introduction of the three new characters for the Dark season 3, fans have been going insane, speculating the possible roles of the trio in the final cycle. The fan theories go from the trio being Tronte Nielsen’s father to Jonas and Martha’s son.
Here are a few fan theories picked from Pete Peppers’s Youtube video of Dark’s trailer breakdown.
The trio will turn out to be Tronte’s father. I also hope they tie up Aleksanders, Trobens eyepatch and Bernadette story’s a little more than them just dying in the apocalypse.
this guy could be the guy with infinite sign on the tree, Agnes' husband. And also could be Jonas and alt Martha's son. Adam and Eve started everything.
I think the trio are members of sic mundus of Eve, Agnes' husband. Maybe that old lady is Agnes.
Similarly, a fan on Instagram had a lot of questions regarding the existence of the trio.
The little boy looks like a younger version of Bartosz, but we all know he’s not. And they’re not even separated by a 33 yers gap , I mean the guy in the middle could be the same age as Jonas & co. So so who the hell they are ? And what year / world they come from ? They centred most of the teaser on these three and they’re shown destroying Adam’s place so quite an important achievement for a brand new trio we’ve never met before . Any idea ?
Previously, the show’s co-creator Jantje Friese had spilled some beans about the final season while talking to IndieWire. He revealed that season three or the final season was more connected to the first season.
The basic idea of Season 3 was something that we already had when we started. There are also a lot of things in Season 1 hinting to Season 3. Also, we actually thought about putting some of the stuff that’s now in Season 3 into Season 2, but then decided to move it backwards. So basically now everything that’s left just falls into Season 3.
Who Play The Three Characters With Cleft Lip?
The characters of the grown-up man and the older man are played by the real-life father-son duo, Jakob Diehl and Hans Diehl. In such a context, we could speculate that the older man (Hans) could be the originator of a grown-up man (Jakob).
The young boy with cleft-lip is portrayed by A Pure Place actor Albert Heinrich.
Claude Albert Heinrich Plays The Kid With Cleft-lip
The one who plays the new mysterious child character in the time-travel series, Dark, is Claude Albert Heinrich. In the trailer of the series, he was seen alongside the other two new mysterious characters.
Although Heinrich is a new face in the world of Dark series, he is a well-known face in the German film industry.
Claude Albert Heinrich’s look from the Dark season 3 trailer (left) (Photo: Dark Trailer/Youtube & Henny/Listal)
Born in March 2006, Claude Albert Heinrich is most famous for playing the lead character in the 2018’s Nikias Chryssos directorial film, A Pure Place. In addition, he has also played minor roles in TV shows such as Binny and the Spirit (2016) and Berlin Station (2016), 8 Days, and Triple Ex (2017).
The talented kid made his acting debut in 2015 when he starred in three episodes of American production series Berlin Station.
Jakob Diehl Plays The Grown-Up Man
Jakob Diehl’s exclusive look from the Dark season 3 trailer (left) (Photo: Dark Trailer/Youtube & Ernesto S. Ruscio/Getty Images)
The trailer of Dark distinctly makes it perceptible that the mysterious grown-up man, played by Jakob Diehl, is the headman of the trio. Particularly in one of the scenes, he can be seen playing a leading role in burning out Adam’s office. In the trailer, the character was also seen holding something in his hands—it may be an envelope or some important pages.
Diehl is a German musician, composer, and award-winning actor. The 1978 born actor has worked in various movies such as The Baader Meinhof Complex (2007/08), The Sleeping Girl (2010), Paradise (2015/16), My Good Hans (2015), and Nor Her Name (2019).
Hans Diehl Plays The Old Man
The mysterious older man in the Dark season 3’s trailer is portrayed by German actor Hans Diehl. In the trailer, his character was seen alongside his two differently-aged companion
Hans Diehl’s look from the Dark season 3 trailer (left) (Photo: Dark Trailer/Youtube & Hans Profile/Casting Videos)
The veteran actor has acting credits in over 50 movies and TV shows. Some of his renowned acting projects include Der König von St. Pauli (1998), Die Patriarchin (2005), Antibodies (2005), Tatort (1996-2008), and Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland (2016).
Diehl is also the father of two actors, August Diehl and Jakob Diehl. The later shares the screen with him in the Netflix series, Dark.
Now, what do you think? What role the three new character play on Dark series? And how will the last cycle end?