Joyce Meyer Forgave Her Father despite Sharing a Toxic Relationship

Pauline Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading Bible teachers, has preached forgiveness for a long time.
Her personal story of being abused by her father and how she learned to forgive him has inspired millions all over the world to follow in her footsteps.
Meyer had been open about her history of personal abuse for a long time. However, it was only in 2018 that she revealed she had been raped multiple times by her father until she was 18.
She recounted the atmosphere around her family, painting the picture of how domineering her father had been.
My father was a mean, controlling and manipulative person for most of his life. He was unpredictable and unstable. As a result, the atmosphere of our home was supercharged with fear because you never knew if what you did would make him mad or not.
Meyer shared that the indecent abuse started when she was very young and continued for a long time, all the way until she left her home at 18 years old.
Forgiving Her Father
During all those years, Meyer had to keep her abuse a secret, resulting in her being isolated from her peers. She wasn’t allowed to take part in after-school activities, sports, or any other socializing events. She pretended to have a normal life but was constantly plagued by loneliness.
Despite the horrible experiences, Meyer forgave her parents down the line and even took care of them until they died. She says her faith in God is what led her to forgive them.
Meyer, who became an ordained minister in 1981, explained that forgiveness did more for setting her free than it did for her parents. She also added that it wasn’t an instantaneous thing but rather a slow and gradual process spanning over multiple years.
I always say I forgave my parents in degrees. It was like, I prayed the prayer forgiving them but I still didn’t want to be around them. Then I only went around them when I had to and then god actually challenged me to take care of them.
Dave And Joyce
Much of Meyer’s work focuses on healing and restoring people. And joining her in her mission for over 50 years has been her husband, Dave Joyce. The two got married on January 7, 1967, and have four children together, all of whom play a vital role in Joyce Meyer Ministries founded by the duo in 1987.
Dave serves as the vice president of Joyce Meyer Ministries, overlooking the administration and finances of the Christian non-profit organization.
Throughout the years, he has been unwavering in his support for his wife, who is not only one of the world's most influential evangelical leaders but also a New York Times bestselling author.