Former Hannah Montana actress Morgan York confessed in a Q&A video that she did not miss her acting days. 

In the same video, she explained why she decided to leave her career as an actress behind. Besides Hannah Montana, York is known for her work in the movie Cheaper By the Dozen, its sequel, and The Pacifier.

Why Did York Quit Acting?

The former actress's decision to quit acting was routinely questioned by her fans, and she finally decided to open up to her fans on May 12, 2021, via a TikTok video

The question that she was originally asked was if she missed acting. But seeing how it could not be answered without addressing the underlying question, she took the question by the roots.

In all honesty, she notified that one minute, the maximum length of a TikTok video, was not nearly enough to explain all the details of why she quit acting. Still, she tried to sum everything up to the best of her abilities. 

She Couldn't Imagine a Life of Acting

York entered the industry as a child actor when she was just 9 years old, and her mom told her ever since that she could stop anytime she wanted to stop. In fact, her mother encouraged her to stop acting if it wasn't fun anymore. 

Even as a teenager, she was on the same page with her mother as she, too, never imagined acting to be a lifetime gig. 

I even remember as a kid trying to imagine myself as an adult actor, and just not seeing it.

The Cost of Acting Was Too High

She further revealed that once she enrolled in college, the cost of being an actor outweighed her passion for the arts. 

Being an actor meant that she had to spend time away from family and loved ones and still face constant scrutiny from the audiences. 

She also admitted that she underestimated how much of an uproar would be made over her decision. As far as she could tell, she could leave, and nobody would bother with the questions. 

However, after realizing how wrong she was, she answered that she left Hollywood because "it wasn't fun anymore."

She Always Had A Passion For Writing

York had lived with a passion for writing fiction for just as long as she had the passion for acting, but at some point, the former became much stronger than the latter.

On her website, she identifies herself as "a 28-year-old New Yorker who works in publishing by day and is a novelist by night."

In another post on her website, she explained how she did not really "quit" acting. For her, "quit" implied that she wanted to continue and gave up or felt like she couldn't find success. 

She was inclined to acting because it gave her the ability to carve out a character and bring them to life. After a while, she realized that writing would be a lot less restrictive of her wishes. 

Instead of playing a caucasian young adult all the time, she could be anyone she chose to be. She could even have them working in tandem, and that opportunity was far more appealing to her.