Princess Sophia Duleep Singh was one of the revolutionary women in the 20th century. A true suffragette, she campaigned for women's voting rights nationally in Britain and inspired women worldwide to stand up for their rights.

She went against her shy, reserved nature and royal upbringing to speak up for all women in a male-dominated society. 

Princess Sophia Duleep Singh's Family Background

Singh got her royal heritage from her father, Maharaja Sir Duleep Singh — the youngest son of Ranjit Singh, the ruler of North India, famously known as the Lion of Punjab.

After Ranjit Singh's death, the British East India Company colonized Punjab, taking over Maharaja Duleep's rule. He was forced to move to British Raj before being exiled to England. 

In Britain, Maharaja Duleep married Bamba Müller and maintained a close relationship with Queen Victoria. As a result, when Singh, the second youngest of six children, was born on August 8, 1876, the Queen became her godmother. 

How She Became a Suffragette

Singh grew up in luxury and extravagance that didn't last. When she turned nine, her father — who loathed losing his empire — forced their family to flee to Punjab. 

The plan was doomed, and they were arrested at the port of Aden. No one knew at the time that Singh's then-first brush with the law would be one among many. 

In 1903, when Singh was around her mid-20s, she made a forbidden trip to India with her sisters. For the first time in her life, she experienced racism and saw famine and suffering.

The experience ignited a feeling of dispossession in her heart. 

When she returned, Singh realized the efforts of British suffragettes fighting for their rights. So the young princess teamed up with the famous suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst. 

She became a member of the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) and advocated for the Women’s Tax Resistance League, with a slogan that read ‘No Vote, No Tax.’

Singh was often punished and fined for not paying taxes, spoiling the census papers, and defying court judgments. But despite all challenges, she stood by her belief and encouraged people to raise their voices.

She even sold the newspaper The Suffragette outside Hampton Court Palace, the house Queen Victoria gave her as grace and favor.

Singh continued her lifelong advocacy till her death on August 22, 1948, marking herself as one of the most prominent women in the suffrage movement in the United Kingdom.

Anjli Mohindra to Adapt Singh's Biography

British Asian actor Anjli Mohindra is adapting Singh's biography into a film, chronicling her life as a royal rebel.

As per a report from Variety, the newly established writer has done a deal with Urban Myth Films to bring the biography to screens. She will base her film on Anita Anand’s book titled Sophia: Princess, Suffragette, Revolutionary.

"Sophia Duleep Singh’s real life story packs a punch and now feels like the right time to bring such a bold and historically game-changing woman centre stage," Mohindra told Variety. 

The film producing house is also thrilled to support Mohindra. An executive producer of Urban Myth Films, Johnny Capps, shared they loved showing audacious characters in their projects.

He added Mohindra had done a fantastic job of bringing the princess to life with her writing prowess.