Best known for his wit, roasts, and being tired of hosting the Golden Globe Awards, British comedian Ricky Gervais has been in a relationship with author Jane Fallon for 40 years now. 

And while this is certainly a long time for people to presume they are husband and wife, they are not. Similarly, they do not have any kids.

Regardless, Fallon has been very influential to the actor's work. Speaking of which, here is how Fallon is the inspiration behind Gervais' After Life.

Jane Fallon Inspired 'After Life'

In an interview with the Daily Mirror, Gervais candidly talked about how his partner has influenced his show, After Life.

In the conversation, he pointed out that he has been through a lot in his 60 years of existence but has never really felt sad.

A poster for After Life, the show inspired by Ricky Gervais' partner, Jane Fallon

A poster for After Life, the show inspired by Ricky Gervais' partner, Jane Fallon. (Source: Instagram)

He has lost both his parents, a sibling, friends, and many pets. But he claimed that the true loss he'll ever feel is the loss of Fallon, his soulmate.

In this regard, After Life depicts Tony, a devastated widower played by the comedian, suffering from his mental health following the death of his wife, who was diagnosed with cancer. 

As a result of the show's depiction of a romance between the man and his wife, the show has gained a devoted following of viewers.

But, over anything, it's the nostalgic representation of the couple's happier times shown through home footage.

Through this expression of losing a fictional wife, Gervais conveys the need to be in the moment and not live in the shadow of death. He is an advocate of having a quality life.

Life Now And Before 'After Life'

To her credit, Fallon is a best-selling novelist whose books include Tell Me A Secret and My Sweet Revenge. She was also a successful television producer, whose credits include the hit BBC soap opera EastEnders.

She and Gervais have been together since 1982, meeting first at University College London. Throughout this time frame, they had no plans to be married. 

In fact, when Ellen DeGeneres asked him about having a baby, Gervais said he would be worried sick. He further elaborated that he doesn't have any kids because there are already too many of them.

He also doesn't think that people are concerned about him not making any kids and doesn't see the point of always fretting for a 16-year stretch. Instead of kids, the couple is animal lovers and has had various pets.

A cat named Ollie had been their constant companion. Sadly, he passed away in 2020. Gervais and Fallon's Twitter feeds were often updated with his antics and now stand as a tribute to the feline.

Fortunately for them, Pickle, another cat they were fostering but ultimately adopted, has become their new furry friend. 

Ricky Gervais posing with his cat, Pickles

Ricky Gervais posing with his cat, Pickles. (Source: Instagram)

The show also sees Tony adopting a dog to get over the loneliness. Gervais also intends to give his earnings to various animal non-profits upon his death.

That being said, he and Fallon haven't always been in a place to give charity. Their humble beginnings were very much that.

In another interview, Fallon claimed the couple had no money and lived above a brothel in Kings Cross, London, until their good fortunes arrived.

She also commented that she was the sole breadwinner, earning £40 a week working as a script editor at a theatrical agency. 

They would freeze to death every winter because they couldn't afford the meagerly cost to keep the heating on. 

Today, Gervais is worth approximately £100 million, and Fallon is projected to be worth roughly £3 million.