Queen Cheryl and King Quran created quite a buzz with their relationship. They developed a strong romantic connection despite sharing a 37-year age difference.

What's more, she, at 61, has seven children and 17 grandchildren but is still wishing for more.

Cheryl and Quran are now expressing their wishes to have a baby. But this endeavor is difficult for the couple for various reasons.

Queen Cheryl and King Quran Want a Baby

Cheryl and Quran's love story and their wishes for a baby caught fire on TikTok for the first time in January 2022. It was around this time that the couple started posting on TikTok about their wishes for a child.

Then, on January 13, 2022, their interview with Daily Mail got published. In that piece, they revealed many details about their lives and plans on having a kid.

The couple told the outlet that they felt like they deserved children of their own. They thought they were ready to start a family.

Quran further said they had tried to get pregnant on their own. But, considering Cheryl's age and the risks involved, they turned to surrogacy. Adoption was also an option.

"We prefer surrogacy," Quran said. However, the pair were wary of the "lot of people embroiled in legal complications far after the child is born."

They also had their surrogate preferences set. "We are looking for a nice surrogate who is willing to sign a contract to have nothing to do with the child after its born," he added.

Chery's daughters would have been in the running as the surrogate option if it weren't for their hysterectomies.

Queen Cheryl and her husband King Quran want to have a baby despite sharing a 37-year age gap.

Queen Cheryl and her husband King Quran want to have a baby despite sharing a 37-year age gap. (Photo: King Quran/Instagram)

They also did not want anyone to have a baby for them for financial gain. "We are not that financially inclined ourselves," Quran told Daily Mail.

As for adoption, they had their sights set on a biracial baby. They wanted the baby to know they had both Black and White parents. They wanted the baby to feel like they were his true parents.

Queen Cheryl Knows the Risks

In all this planning, Cheryl hasn't forgotten her age and the risks she runs for everyone involved.

"We understand that I may not be there for as long as Quran is but I have faith in him," Cheryl told the publication.

But she had high hopes Quran would be well-suited to the role of single fatherhood if anything was to happen to her. "He's gonna be a great father," she added.

Despite some initial resistance to the idea of her having children, Cheryl's children and her mother-in-law were all supportive of her.

Cheryl is someone who has dealt with risks all her life. She has had a difficult life.

On a TikTok video from May 5, 2021, she revealed she had been molested and bullied as a child and was abused mentally and physically by her parents.

She had her share of physically abusive partners and developed trust issues. Cheryl even had to run away from California with her seven children to save their lives.

To add to these, she had anorexia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and nightmares. However, she still survived and called herself a survivor.

She finally found love with Quran, with whom she developed a romantic connection in 2020.

Quran (real name - Quran McCain) and Cheryl (real name - Cheryl McGregor) first met in 2012. He was 15 at the time, and she was his manager at Dairy Queen.

They reconnected in 2020, started dating, and married on September 3, 2021, after a July 30 engagement. They even live-streamed their wedding on TikTok, where they had built up a fanbase because of their not-so-usual relationship.

They even have an OnlyFans account where they post their more intimate content. However, they have also got a lot of backlash and hate for their age difference.

"No matter what they say or do, it can't hurt us. We know the stuff that they say isn't true and they believe it, we feel sorry for them," Quran told Daily Mail about their relationship and online presence.