Olivia Culpo Reveals the Procedure That Helps Maintain Her Body Shape

The stunningly gorgeous Olivia Culpo recently got candid about how she maintains her swimsuit-ready physique.
The former Miss Universe opened up about the toning and tightening procedure she makes use of during a virtual sit-down with plastic surgery expert Dr. Jennifer Levine.
A Little Help On the Side
Apparently, Culpo's swimsuit ready figure is attained with the help of a series of workouts, a well-thought-out diet, and BTL Aesthetic's Emsculpt Neo—a non-invasive body sculpting treatment meant to aid areas that she simply cannot get to with her Pilates classes.
“I wasn’t seeing the same results,” Culpo confessed to the good doctor, “[Emsculpt Neo] gets at areas I’ve never been able to target in my normal ab routines.”
She further explained that she had always worked towards a long and lean, Pilates-style physique. However, when her routine workouts failed her, Emsculpt Neo delivered results right from the get-go.
Culpo swore she witnessed a significant difference after going through with just one session of Emsculpt Neo. Impressed by the results, she incorporated the treatment into her routine.
The former Miss USA admitted to having a series of four weekly sessions done, which had proven to be enough. But, for her buttocks, she opted for four sessions every two weeks.
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Before she resorted to the cosmetic crutch during the pandemic, Culpo claimed she optimized her workout routines and diet intake to a large extent.
The 29-year-old revealed she had practically eliminated carbs, sugar, alcohol, and "basically all the fun stuff" from her diet and complimented that with a series of cardio-centric workouts. She added,
I find cardio to be very helpful in really detoxing, sweating out all the toxins, getting rid of that extra fat.
More recently, the model discussed her fitness routine with Hamptons and Eat This, Not That, and it can be broadly summarized into four easy-to-follow habits.
1. Sticking to an 80/20 Plan
While Culpo makes it a point to eat healthy most of the time, she has a little room carved out on her menu for indulging.
She told Hamptons that she follows the 80-20 rule. Meaning, she eats healthy food eighty percent of the time, and the remaining twenty percent is taken up by less healthy items.
However, Culpo doesn't just eat whatever she can get her hands on. She remains mindful about what she indulges herself with.
2. 20-minute Cardio
While it might be a tad bit difficult to fathom that a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model only does 20 minutes of cardio a day, Culpo is confident about her regiment.
She encouraged her followers on Instagram to add the short workouts into their routine with a daily 20-minute Cardio Challenge.
Apart from that, Eat This, Not That reported that she regularly employs a series of five toning moves from P.volve, using resistance bands whenever she is on the go.
3. Fiber and Protein-Rich Meals
As disclosed by the model, her meals are loaded with plenty of healthy fiber and protein.
She starts her day with a cup of coffee with oat milk and a bowl of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, followed by some avocado toast and egg whites.
Her lunch usually comprises "some sort of salad." She added she loves chicken and veggies with a miso vinaigrette.
4. Treats on the Side
The former beauty queen explained she typically snacks on salted nuts because she finds the regular ones too boring.
Apart from that, she usually has a mixture of nuts, raisins, and M&Ms with her during shoots for when she is hungry.