DJ Armin van Buuren is one of the most recognized DJs in the world. He has been active in the electronic dance music scene since the mid-1990s. He has seen immense success in the world of EDM over the years thanks to a growing interest in the music genre from the young generation.

His success has also seen him earn a lot of money since his initial tours. However, the last time Buuren’s finances were analyzed was around 2014. Since then, there has been virtually no update on his net worth and earnings.

By no means does this show his lack of earnings. On the contrary, the trance mixing maestro has probably seen a rise in his income in recent years owing to his noteworthy China tour.

Van Buuren's Net Worth In The Past Years

Many sites have given varying figures regarding Armin van Buuren’s net worth.

Just to take an example of a single year, Gazette Review, in 2018, claimed that his net worth was around $40 million. They credited his works in the music industry to come up with the figure.

In that same year, Money Inc. released a list of the 20 richest DJs in the world for 2018. In that list, Buuren was in the 12th position. Interestingly, Money Inc said that his net worth was $55 million and not $40 million as Gazette Review had claimed earlier.

Likewise, Celebrity Net Worth, too, claimed (and still claim) that Van Buuren’s net worth is $55 million. But they provide no details as to how they calculated that amount.

While there seem to be very few credible sources regarding Van Buuren's net worth, it isn't the case for his earnings— which have been fully disclosed.


A post shared by Armin van Buuren (@arminvanbuuren)

In 2013, Forbes released a list of the world’s highest-paid DJs in August 2013. The Dutch DJ managed to land 8th position in that list with a reported $17 million earning for that particular year. He slid down to 12th position the following year, with reported earnings of around $12 million

Following his reported fall in earnings in 2014, he hasn't made it into the Forbes list, or any other earnings list, for that matter.

Van Buuren's Net Worth Has Most Likely Increased Over The Years

Failure to make it to a 'top-tier' list does not mean that van Buuren has stopped making big money. He still earns a lot, but, possibly, just not as much as he did in his peak years of 2013 and 2014.

In an interview with Bloomberg in 2015, he revealed that he was earning around $100,000 for a single gig. He further mentioned that the earnings revealed by the media were actually gross earnings and not his final income.

A significant dent in his earnings after deductible tax does not deter the Dutch DJ, as he still continues to make great music and tour around the world.

Among his recent tours, it is his tour in China that catches the eye. His first China tour in the country came in 2018, followed by another tour in 2019.

Buuren Stays Clear Of Controversy To Get Past Chinese Censorship

China has been censoring artists and other personalities left, right, and center when it comes to affiliating with and vocalizing certain political stances against China.

Fellow DJ Zedd was the latest among a host of artists who faced the wrath of the Chinese censorship. Zedd was permanently banned from China for merely liking a tweet from South Park’s official Twitter account. The tweet in question was a celebration of the release of the series' 300th episode.

For context, South Park previously aired an episode titled 'Band in China' which poked fun at Chinese censorship and also made fun of American companies doing their business in the country.

This goes to show just how difficult it is to get into China and perform without offending the government.

However, Buuren has been able to tread these dangerous waters very carefully by staying clear of any potential controversies. This way, he has been able to perform in China without the government posing any difficulties.

China is not only just another place for Buuren to perform and earn money, it is also one of the fastest-growing markets in terms of the live concert industry and the music industry in general.

According to a report from Soundcharts, in 2017, live concerts generated $747 million in revenue, which was a 13% increase from 2016.

The Chinese government has also been investing heavily in mass-entertainment spaces such as stadiums, multi-purpose arenas, concert halls, and the likes, which remain reserved mainly for the pop and EDM genres of music.

During 2017, the number of performances that took place in the country also increased. This meant that solo concerts of international artists were responsible for 11.8% of the total live event revenues in the country, excluding music festivals.

With regards to these general growths, Armin added that EDM and Trance music was having a big impact in China.

Considering all these developments, it seems reasonable for Buuren to target the Chinese market. He even chose to start the tour for his latest 2019 album, 'Balance,' in China. Some of the venues he performed at were First X Shanghai, Club Miami Xi'an, and First Changzhou.

Besides Concerts, Buuren Makes Money From Other Sources as Well

In addition to making money from concerts and music sales, van Buuren also earns from campaigns such as his 2014 campaign with Heineken, and Armada Music. He is one of the founders of Armada Music which is the biggest independent dance music label in the world.

This goes to show that he has been earning well even when he’s not on everyone’s radar in terms of income. Even though we have to wait for some official source to reveal his financial valuation, we can conclude that his net worth has seen a rise from the years before.