A New Rumored Mountain Dew Packaging Leak Has Batman & Catwoman Reveal

A leaked promotional photo of the supposedly new Mountain Dew packaging reveals the characters and elements of the Batman franchise.Â
Batman and Catwoman? 👀 #TheBatman pic.twitter.com/Mnv6wNQXss — DC Universe (@DCEUPosts) August 5, 2020
The leaked post comes from DCEUPosts, a Twitter fan page dedicated to DC Universe. Fans have guessed that the post might be a bid by DC Films to advertise the upcoming Matt Reeve's The Batman movie, which is releasing on Oct. 1, 2021.Â
I've never seen leaks for a soda company before...
But for those saying it's fake, this leaked along with other flavors of Mountain Dew that will be hitting the shelves in 2021. #TheBatman https://t.co/JknmAGpx9p — DC Universe (@DCEUPosts) August 5, 2020
Although the photos aren't directly advertising the Batman franchise, it seems as though the packaging of the bottles features subtle imagery and revelations that could be related to the upcoming movie.
In the picture, three bottles are seen place alongside one another. These bottles seem to be featuring three distinct characters from the Batman franchise.
On one of the bottles, a character donning a sleek Batman suit is seen. The suit looks similar to the one that was revealed by director Matt Reeves back in February. The other two bottles appear to be featuring Catwoman and Riddler. Â
A closer look at the bottles also reveals a trademark bat insignia.
Full Image Reveals Riddler
A leaked promotional photo of the supposedly new Mountain Dew packaging contains an important detail about 'The Batman' (2021).
Responding to DCEUPosts, a twitter user posted a picture on his handle. The user claimed the picture to be the full-image version of the picture revealed by DCEUPosts.Â
The full image provided by the user highlighted a marketing campaign related to the Batman franchise. The campaign seems to be involving some form of riddle-solving games for a chance to win Batman merchandise.Â
Neither DC Films nor Mountain Dew has issued official statements about this reveal. This photo reveal might also be fake, according to DCEU Posts itself and some fans.
ok it might be fake lol — DC Universe (@DCEUPosts) August 5, 2020
I just realised theres 2 different bat symbol on the pic lmao😅 — Matthew Murdock (@Anick08863918) August 5, 2020
thats not even robberts batman lmfao or bat symbol — SoaR trpys (@trpys_) August 5, 2020
Definitely fake, thats the arkham knight catwoman pose on the bottle — Matthew Murdock (@Anick08863918) August 5, 2020
Recent History of Advertising With Mountain Dew
Back in 2012, Mountain Dew had collaborated with The Dark Knight Rises in a similar marketing campaign just before the film's release in July 2012.Â
What We Know About The Batman So Far
Matt Reeves is directing the movie. The cast members includes Robert Pattinson (Batman), Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano (Riddler), Colin Farrell (Penguin), Jefferey Wright (James Gordan), Andy Serkis (Alfred), Peter Sarsgaard (Gotham Politician), and John Turturro (Carmine Falcone).
The film was initially slated to be released on Jun. 25, 2021, but the Covid-19 pandemic affected the schedule. It pushed the release date to Oct. 1, 2021.Â
Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz) is set to feature in the upcoming movie.Â