Daymond John Fought Off Cancer And Dyslexia Like A Champ

Along with conquering every aspect of the business world, billionaire Daymond John has also conquered a major health setback.
From building a company from scratch and making it into a billion-dollar brand to help start other small ideas to big business as a shark, John has made sure that his professional life is the stuff of what every young entrepreneur could aspire to achieve. However, his career successes aren't the only thing that made him a true shark, overcoming each adversity he encountered in his personal life is also what anyone could look up to, like fighting cancer.
Daymond John Has To Monitor His Cancer For The Rest Of His Life
In 2017, Daymond John was gathering fame as a major Shark Tank investor in ABC. He would go on to invest in Bubba's-Q Boneless Ribs on Shark Tank, which is now worth millions of dollars. However, when the successful CEO of FUBU was flying high on success, healthwise, he was also suffering a huge setback, Daymond John was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in April 2017.
Talking to Good Morning America in 2017, he opened up about his doctors finding a "nodule about the size of a marble" on his thyroid during a routine checkup. He says that even though the biopsy couldn't conclude anything compelling, he still pushed to have it removed to reduce risk. His quick thinking paid off as after the surgery, the tests on the nodule revealed that he had, in fact, stage two thyroid cancer.
John also told GMA host Robin Roberts that although the surgery removed the cancer, another half of his thyroid is still in, and there are chances that it could come back, so he has to check in every 3 to 6 months, pressing on the fact that thyroid is slow-growing cancer.
He also told Roberts that talking openly about his cancer is very important to him. It could encourage other people to go for early diagnosis and normalize the support and seek medical help.
Reinforcing the same narrative in an interview with WebMD about surviving thyroid cancer, he explained the need for him to go public with his cancer to remind people, especially entrepreneurs, to keep their health in check.
I went public because one group that doesn’t take care of themselves is entrepreneurs like me. They’re so busy 24 hours a day that they tend to forget about their health. I want to be an example of somebody who took care of himself and therefore can still run around like I want.
John also encouraged people to go for early detection in the same interview, be it with mammograms, pap smears, or colonoscopies. He further emphasized the importance of people checking their family history with cancers.
Daymond John is now very cautious about his health as he wants to prevent his cancer from coming back as much as possible. He told WebMD that even though he didn't care much for his health in his younger days, he started to take care since he hit his forties, said that he takes it "very, very seriously".
Daymond John Preaches That There Is No Success Without Health
As stated in his interview with GMA, John famously believes in the saying, "A man with his health has a thousand dreams. A man without his health only has one.". The entrepreneur has tried to maintain his health through workouts, a healthy diet, and drinking plenty of water to match his professional success.
In an interview with Inc., John mentioned that keeping his health in check has been his major goal. He said that he sets his goal of drinking 10 glasses of water per day and avoiding fried foods or red meat. His daily goals include doing 100 pushups a day, walking over 10,000 steps with doing cardio in the morning, and lifting weights at night.
In the said interview, he also said that his goal weight was 170 pounds, perhaps to fit his height. Although not confirmed officially, Famouspeople has put his height as 5'7", which is average, and John has publically acknowledged his short stature.
Along with his regular workouts and diet, John also stays in shape by playing and staying active with his daughter.
With a healthy habit and determination like this, there is no doubt Daymond John cannot beat cancer if it comes the second time around.
However, this isn't the first time he has been fighting a serious condition. John has been tackling dyslexia ever since he was a young boy.
Daymond Jones Is Dyslexic But Didn’t Let The Condition Affect His Determination
As a young kid, Daymond John always wondered why he struggled with reading comprehension when he seemed to do well with subjects like math and science. Although not diagnosed with dyslexia right away, he tells The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity that the professional he saw for his problems in school did identify his learning/behavioral disability. It was only in his thirties when textual communication became more and more popular, he decided to see a medical professional who diagnosed him with dyslexia.
In the gap between him as a young student struggling in school to troubles he encountered navigating through texts, emails, and teleprompters in his later life, one thing remained constant. Daymond John refused to let his condition define him and became determined more and more with time on how to overcome the challenges it threw his way.
His success story in The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity mentions that his drive and determination kept working around in tackling dyslexia every step of the way. He mentioned that it takes him longer to read than other people without dyslexia, so he would often seek help from his colleagues to ensure accurate comprehension. And this exact perseverance is what made him a successful entrepreneur and a remarkable motivational speaker despite the challenges that he faces because of dyslexia.
Daymond John now encourages people with dyslexia to not hide it. His success story is sure to make people open up and inspire them to fight their dyslexia like a champ.